
小蛋糕滿6個月了, 是時候可以吃副食品了!  但還沒正式開始副食品階段, 我們就先偷跑, 餵過小蛋糕吃蕃薯, 蓮霧, 葡萄, 柳丁, 木瓜, 香蕉, 蘋果, 粥…等等.  表姐曾跟我說早點讓他吃副食品, 將來較不會挑嘴.  剛開始小蛋糕的接受度很好, 遇到食物他都會舔舔啃啃, 可是他並不大喜歡蘋果和香蕉.  吃蘋果時會皺眉頭, 吃香焦時則直接吐出來.

兩周前赫然發現小蛋糕左邊臉頰上紅紅的一大塊.  幫他塗了些濕疹藥, 想說狀況會改善.  但隔兩天再看, 紅疹更嚴重外, 整個臉上也佈滿一粒粒的小疹子.  原本光滑的臉蛋突然變成小花貓, 讓我們好心疼.  馬上帶著小蛋糕去高雄醫學院掛號看診.


楊醫師一看到小蛋糕的狀況, 叮嚀我們回去後先不要餵食, 繼續讓他喝母奶就好, 並安排他做過敏原篩檢.  阿公一聽到小蛋糕要抽血心疼的不得了, 一直說 “才這麼小就要抽血, 他血管這麼細怎麼抽呀! 好可憐喔!” 但我倒覺得瞭解他的過敏原可幫助我照顧他, 總比一一把食物當實驗品測試他的接受度有效率多了.

護士把小蛋糕帶進一個小房間後吩咐我們要按住他, 就開始抽血了.  抽血的過程, 護士小姐一直在講她以前帶小孩的經驗, 阿公一直在跟小蛋糕玩躲貓貓, 我一直在學狗叫(他聽到狗叫聲就會很開心).  結果小蛋糕全程笑的很開心, 不要說哭了, 連唉一聲都沒有,  真是個神經大條勇敢的小寶貝!


抽血結果要一個禮拜才出爐.  醫生給了我口服藥(1天4次)跟4條藥膏 (還一直跟我說還好有健保, 這些藥很貴的).  回去定時餵他吃藥&幫他插藥膏, 兩天後, 四肢皮膚粗糙的部份已幾乎痊癒, 臉上的紅疹及小疹子也改善多了.  雖然這樣, 頭腦還是停不下來的想東想西, 他過敏是因為我懷孕時吃芒果的關係嗎? (據說芒果很 “毒”對皮膚不好)  還是他也和我一樣對粉塵和冷風過敏呢?   阿公搬了兩台空氣清靜器到我房間, 阿嬤禁止客人對小蛋糕餵食.  等待的過程讓全家人格外謹慎~


檢驗報告顯示小蛋糕對所有物質都無過敏反應.  醫生解釋說他的過敏反應是體質的關係, 而目前醫學還無法測出原因, 並開了過敏藥水給他喝.  回台北後, 我拿了高醫的藥給主治醫生看, 但他確說這些藥都是很強的類固醇.  他並不贊成繼續插藥或服藥, 並跟我說三歲前的小孩沒必要做過敏原測試.

兩個醫生有不同的看法, 做父母的到底該怎麼做才好呢?

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6 Responses to 小蛋糕是過敏兒

  1. Tzu-I says:

    Have you tried the organic rice cereal (Baby food)? It has to mix with breastmilk or formula. I started that with Iselin when she was small, and it worked very well. Maybe you can give a try.

  2. 謝謝各位嗎媽的熱心建議, 我上周只餵他吃粥結果又呈現過敏反應. 因此我想餵副食品之路就慢點開始好了. 否則看他難受心理也不好過.

  3. Tzu-I says:

    Its very commen for babies to have rashes for many reasons. I feel Taiwanese doctors are very fast to give out strong medicine. I would wait for awhile and see if it will heal by itself. Blood test is hard for parents to watch but its harmless to babies. Stop the medicine, and slow down on giving soild food. Dont try so many types in the begining. Try one thing at the time for 2-3 days, if there is no reaction and try another new food. There are some food are easier for babies to have allergy. Those you will have to stay away for at least they turn one. Ex honey, peanut, egg, orange and shrimp.

  4. Catherine says:

    I agree with you that cortisol 類固醇 is not good for baby! I have a friend whose son experienced similar problems before. She took him to see a natural path dr. and the ointment was very effective. Caleb had some little rashes when he first tried carrots, then I stopped for a month and let him tried it again, he still reacted to it. I stopped again and tried after another 2-3 months and everything was ok! I read in books that it’s common for baby to react when first tried solid food, but it’s mostly b/c their digestive system hasn’t fully developed yet. So try each food for 7 – 10 days and space the new foods apart can lower the chance of having allergic reaction.

  5. jeanbao says:

    個人是覺得抽血還好 家裡兩個為測黃膽一出生都抽了兩次血
    不過藥就要少擦少用 尤其有類固醇的 (皮膚過敏藥幾乎都有 一定要先問過)還有有些藥性太強會讓小孩的膚色變深 PRESTON臉上就一塊圓比別的地方深色 朋友說是藥太強燒壞皮膚…

  6. Suefan Kao says:

    這麼小 我也不贊成抽血
    這種過敏現象 長大一點會自動好的
    take care

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